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How Planning Future Travel Can Boost Happiness

New research shows that trip planning can in fact lift our spirits, that just making future travel plans can boost our spirits, energy, and well-being.

A survey of 263 U.S.-based adults conducted August 21–24, 2020, and commissioned by a coalition of travel companies, revealed that 97 percent of people feel that having a trip planned actually makes them happier, while 71 percent report having more energy when they have a trip planned for within the next six months.

According to happiness researcher Michelle Gielan, founder of the Institute for Applied Positive Research, who oversaw the study, “Booking a trip—even just getting it on the calendar—might be the very thing we need to restore our emotional immune system after months of mounting uncertainty and stress.”

“After a couple of fully housebound months, we planned a night away. With our usual four walls closing in fast, it was immensely cheering to just think about a change of scene, let alone hit the road and experience it.”


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